Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Move

Despite our attempt to move back to the north central United States, we are going to be heading out west. Husband has been assigned to the Salt Lake City Office. This office covers Utah, Montana, and Idaho, so we could be sent to any of 21 different towns. To top it all off, we have no idea when we will find out what specific office we will be in. It could be next month or three weeks before we need to move. For my anal retentive self, it is killing me! I need to plan this move, research and house hunt. I tell ya, it's as bad or maybe even worse than being in the Army. Although I am a bit apprehensive about having to move that far away, Adam is excited because he grew up and has lived in all three states. What an adventure we will have!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Little Shocked

Not a lot about celebrities surprises me. They lead such different lives from the normal human race. However, I just saw the headline that Heath Ledger has died of a possible drug overdose and it was actually a little shocking. He was never in the tabloids as the heavy partying kind of guy. I really liked him as an actor. So sad.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Very Good Year

I woke to Husband singing "The Birthday Song" this morning. Yes, him home this weekend is the best present ever! Yet, I am really quite bummed today. I was looking forward to heading out for a run this morning, but it is rainy and cold. Wet and frigid is no fun to run in, so I will sit and drink coffee and blog instead.

There is at least one day every 365 that I reflect and take note of the year past and the year ahead. This is that day. I sort of feel as if it is almost New Years resolutionish because of being so close to January 1st, but, it is NOT. This is all about me reaching goals and milestones and it was not my choice to have my parents procreate during the month of May.

That being said, year 33 was pretty good. No huge calamities. I completed a ten mile "race". I enjoyed several wonderful mini-vacations and weekend get-aways. Extended family has been around a lot and that has been wonderful. The time that I was able to spend with my parents was terrific. My Christmas cards went out on time. I finally had many questionable moles removed. I have cleared some of the clutter from the house, aka I've stopped being such a pack-rat. Overall, I was blessed with a very good year.

What is in store for year 34?

I plan to reach the goal of owning my first house. I have been shopping less to save more money for a down payment and I have been making lists. I have been really spoiled during the past six years when it comes to my shelter, especially my bathrooms, so I hope that my expectations are not too high. And, my fingers are crossed that we are relocated to the area that I really want to be in. (Update: No word as to where we are going. However, there may a be a post next Wednesday night as to the location. Hint, hint. Stay tuned.)

I am already well on my way to eating healthier and taking care of myself much better. And, as I am still in the midst of pondering my friend E's post, those who want to call me obsessive, be damned. I do not care! I will have great skin, great hair, a fit body, and if doing what it takes to take care of myself is deemed obsessive, I will wear the title proudly. I just wish that I was not such a frugal Franny these days. I would really like to add in facials and massages to my monthly routine.

I still want to jump from an airplane before we leave here. I just don't want to do it by myself. Sister-in-Law is supposed to join me, but if anyone else wants to take the plunge, I could use a back-up or two or three. I am not convinced that this goal will be met, however I am going to make a grand attempt.

I am also realizing that the "baby window" is quickly closing so a decision will need to be made soon. Although, I still do not feel like I am old enough to have children. It is a decision which is not mine alone either and it comes with so many unknowns. This subject could be a whole other post, so I will move on.

I hope to fit in a vacation. We have friends who are living in Montana right now that I would love to go visit this year. I have never been "out west". Again, that decision will have a lot to do with Husband's available time off. I would also like to vist other girlfriends around the country, however, that darn lottery just isn't giving me enough money to quit working!

Yes, year 34 holds a lot of promise. I am excited about the changes to come. I do believe that it will be a very good year.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day

I woke up to snow on the ground! Granted it was just a sprinkling, but it was North Carolina! Now it's raining and school hasn't been cancelled, so I still have to go to work. Bummer!

Friday, January 11, 2008


Okay, so I just had someone come into my office wearing Poison. Does anyone else remember that Christian Dior fragrance? (Or, in my younger days it was the Designer Imposters version from K-Mart that was ever so popular.) I haven’t smelled it in years. Talk about olfactory overdrive. WOW! I just had a serious flashback to 8th grade! …hanging out with my best friends Cary, Allison, & Michelle, my first kiss during For Keeps?, school dances with Ex-lax laced brownies, walks downtown to The Bake Shop for lunch, tanning in the back yard while listening to the Greese Soundtrack 8-track, camping with the family, disconnecting my knee while doing the splits, sneaking out of the house for the first time, riding my ten-speed all over the place…Fun times! Now, back to work.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Goodbye Vacation

It is so hard to say goodbye to vacation. After a week and a half off, it is time to jump in the shower and go back to work. Yuck! Can I just be a stay-at-home wife? I could handle working out for a few hours every day and organizing the house until we move...seriously.

I began taking down Christmas decorations as soon as I returned home on Monday, but the tree is still up and fully decorated. The dining room table is covered in Christmas parafanalia. The coffee table is covered in Christmas parafanalia. And, there is a pile of Christmas pillows on the couch. How did that happen? Where did my time go? Why did I not get more put away?

It is not for laziness. I was busy from about 8:30 a.m. until around 11:00 p.m. for two straight days. I guess it just takes a while to unpack and catch-up on mail and email. I had returns to do and exchanges to make, car titling to take care of, bills to pay, and grocery shopping. Plus, prepping food to eat for the rest of the week so that I am not eatting junk. And, that naturally rolled into doing all of the dishes from all of the cooking. But, now I have applesauce and hummus and hard boiled eggs and chicken and grabbable veggies and even waldorf salad. Yummy for my healthy tummy.

I am looking forward to a short, two-day work week. I will then have another weekend to finish putting away the Christmas stuff. And, I should have some help since husband is planning a trip home this weekend. Yeah!

Speaking of husband. He has advised me that I need to set this blog to private in the near future. So, if you are a reader, let me know that you would like to continue reading and I will send you an invitation. I haven't even begun to look into how to go about privatizing yet, so it will be a little while (probably a few months). One more thing for the to-do list.

Well, hi ho, hi ho it's off to the shower I go...stay-at-home wife (*deep sigh*).