Lazy & Uninspired
It has been two months since I have written anything. I would say that it is about time that I played catch-up however, there really isn't a whole lot to catch anyone up on. My thoughts these days are pretty mundane as life seems to be the same ol' thing day after day. Other than half a city block blowing up downtown (not very interesting unless you live in the area) and the vacuum cleaner breaking again (not very interesting to anyone at all), life here in the west has been fairly quiet.
I really don't want this blog to become all about a little girl, but especially since I haven't posted any photos in a while, I am afraid that is what most of this post will be about. Of course, Baby keeps on growing and changing. That's a given. During the past month or so, I have started giving her rice cereal in the evenings. I get many "yuck" faces and I can't say that I blame her; it's not the tastiest of foods. She is five months old and has now gained a personality and a bit of a temper at times. She loves people and her daddy is a little frightened because she is already a flirt, smiling at anyone and everyone who talks to her.
One of my favorite parts is her cute little buddha belly. It is rubbed and kissed with practically every diaper change. And, her chubby little thighs are just too squeezable. She's interacting more and "talking" up a storm.
I have been trying to keep her occupied away from my arms quite a bit during the day. My hope is that she does not become too dependant on me for entertainment. And, check out the super cool shoes her aunties Stephanie & Tracy got her.
She has also graduated to her "stand-up" play center from Auntie Meg. We initially had a pillow under her feet because she was on her tiptoes. That lasted about a week and she was able to get both feet flat on the ground...growth spurt. At her last doctors appointment she was in the 90th percentile for height. Her daddy is REALLY hoping that the trend continues, but I am already apologizing to her since I know the pain of being taller than everyone else in elementary and middle school. However, height in a female athlete is a good thing!
Baby may also have the curse of her mom's crazy hair. It is starting to curl a little on the sides and have a mind of it's own. Additionally, I have accidentally taught her the bad habit of sticking her tongue out. Something I am sure I will come to regret.
Husband's mom, sister, and sister-in-law flew in for Baby's Baptism. The aunts stood up as Baby's Godparents. Although we had been attending worship since we moved in May, we actually took classes and became members of the church in the fall, just after Baby was born. It is a wonderful congregation with a husband & wife pastoral team. It has provided a sense of community for me, something that I have really needed over the past few months.
While the family was here, I also had the opportunity to leave Baby with her Grandma and go skiing with my sisters-in-law. (Husband had to work.) I am still a beginner and took a lesson, however skiing here was MUCH easier and more fun than the skiing I did in Europe. Well, at least it was until the sun started to set and the slope became icy.
As for me, I seem to be coming out of the funk I have been in for months. Life is not all dreamy and perfect, but no one expects it to be. I struggled with the idea of going back to work; and, after lots of prayer and contemplation, I finally made a decision. Even though I had been presented with the perfect job for the me of my "past-life", it just wasn't the right job for me presently. Being a Mom needs to come first. I am, however, keeping my eyes out for a part-time job or something that would allow me to work from home.
I have been putting Baby in childcare at the gym three days during the week for an hour or two so that I can attempt to regain my pre-pregnancy body. And, good news, it is working! I am already at my pre-pregnancy weight and can once again see muscles in my arms and back. The most surprising thing to me...I think that my hips may be narrower and my thighs thinner than pre-Baby. How this happened, I am not sure, especially since one of my big fears was that none of my pants would fit ever again; but, it did and it makes me happy. I have also been running outside on weekends that are warm enough with no precipitation. My hope is to have a girl's weekend in D.C. in the fall of 2010 and run the Army 10-Miler again. That gives everyone a year and a half to save money, make plans, and train...hint, hint.
On nice days, Baby and I also go walking. Why drive a mile to mile-and-a-half to Home Depot or church when my perfectly good legs can take me there? My biggest gripe is the people who do not shovel their sidewalks along the way; that and the fact that there are small areas (a block or two) with no sidewalks. Really? The city could not fork over the money to put in an extra two blocks of sidewalk? I could rant on, however I won't because you get the basic gist of it.
I recently purchased airfare for Baby and me to travel "back east" during the first three weeks of May. Since I always seem to over pack for just me, I have already begun the packing process. The cost of extra luggage is a great deterrent for my perceived need to take along the perfect pair of shoes to match every outfit. And, this time around, I have to pack for someone else too. Oh dear, how will I manage? It's a good thing that I have over a month to figure it out! Please let me know if you have any helpful hints about solo-parent air travel, sleeping arrangements, and three weeks away from home with a seven month old.
As a side-note, Husband is liking (but not loving) his new occupation. He has some professional goals for the next year to year-and-a-half that will hopefully make him happier. (More on those later.) And, although he hates when she cries, he is adjusting to fatherhood well and is great with Baby.
That's life in a nutshell. I will attempt to write more often, but there are no guarantees. I can't really blame it on Baby either; it's just me being lazy and uninspired. Maybe writing more frequently needs to be the next habit I form...we'll see.
She is a really adorable baby!! & Congrats on getting back to pre-pregnancy weight. It took me about 2 years with the last child.
If you've started baby on juice you might try to add that into the rice cereal, then you may not get the yuk face as much. As far as a plane ride and trip with baby I'd say plenty of snacks and make sure that she is sucking on something during take off and landing. If you can arrange to borrow a crib/pack-n-play/travel crib from someone in the area you will be staying that usually works pretty well. I hope some of this helps.
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