Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Weekend in Class

Husband and I spent the weekend in a childbirth education class at the local hospital. I have done so much reading that it was a bit of a refresher class for me, however it was great "making" hubby hear and see the information too. I think his favorite parts were the birth video and the hour long segment on breastfeeding (giggle, giggle).

One of my favorite parts was the tour of the labor and delivery (l&d) unit. It was nice to see where this event will take place and understand a little better what is available to us. Another very positive thing is that the l&d unit has just undergone a renovation so there is a lot of new equipment. There are also two waiting rooms for any family that might be here, even though that will most likely only be my sister at the time of delivery.

My official due date is October 8th and we received some less than exciting news last week. Husband has to travel over seven hours out of town and be gone from September 21 through October 5. My fingers are crossed that Baby does not decide to arrive early, although he should be able to make the trip back in such an event. My sister will be here at the time too, so she will be able to help out. I keep telling myself, "at least he is not in Iraq, that would be a much worse situation."

Now, we just need to make the birth plan that is highly encouraged by the hospital. We do have some quirky little things, but since the natural route has never even been up for discussion, I don't feel that we have a whole heck of a lot to put into it, simply three main things. #1, I don't really want any medication, if possible, other than the epidural at, hopefully, 5 or 6 cm. (I really want it to last until Baby is out.) But, I don't know what I don't know, and that means that I don't know if I will be able to make it that long. #2, Husband doesn't want to cut the cord, so maybe ask, just in case he has changed his mind, but assume the answer is "no". And, finally, #3, I would prefer if the baby is cleaned up a bit and then given back to me rather than laid on top of me right after birth. There is something about how a brand new, straight out of the womb baby looks that freaks me out a bit, and I don't think that will change even with it being my own. If any moms out there have other pointers to add, I would love to hear them.

The other big event of the weekend was date night Saturday when we finally got the opportunity to see The Dark Knight. Husband and I both agree that the movie was deserving of the all of the hype and did not disappoint. Just when we thought it was going to end, there was another plot twist. And, the late Heath Ledger did a phenomenal job, although, if we did not know that it was him, we probably would have never guessed it; his character was incredibly demented and creepy. Anyhow, the movie was well worth the money to see it in the theater.


Blogger Angie said...

Three things to consider (from a 4 time mommy) No matter when you think you want the epidural tell them you want it the minute you walk in the door. I missed my chance with Joe and had a horrible and very painful delivery.

Fred didn't want to cut the cord either. They asked him when he was in there and was like, fine, whatever and he did. You can always change your mind when you're in there.

I always asked for them to clean up the kid before they handed him to me. I'm with you, it's pretty yucky. All four times they threw a blanket on my chest and floped him on me. So instead of freaking out, I just wraped him up, gave him a quick look and said you can clean him up now.

I hope this hospital listens to your birth plan. Sometimes they do whatever they want regardless of what your plan is.

Last word of advice...don't do a water birth if you want an epidural. I learned that the hard way ;) Damn, German Hospital!

3:20 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hospitals schedule surgeries to start around 7am which means the anesthesiologist(s) are going to be very busy from 7am throughout the morning with surgery patients. L&D gets put lower priority. If it's 6:30am and you're anywhere close to being at 4 or 5cms, then go ahead and order one BEFORE 7am.

Good luck ~ fun times ahead!

8:35 AM EDT  
Blogger E said...

Nowadays the docs will put an epidural in whenever, so you don't need to wait if you don't want to. Also, if for some reason you can't get one, don't freak out. You can do it if you have to!

The IVs are what I hate the most. Ask that they keep the drip slow. Once you get an epidural it'll be wide open and you'll probably be pretty swollen. You'll also need a catheter with the epidural--just FYI.

My biggest piece of advice: the delivery most likely will not go according to your plan (just like every event we try to plan!), so don't be upset when it doesn't. And remember the nurses and doctors are going to do what's necessary to protect your and the baby's health, regardless of the plan. The best plan is to be flexible!

You need to post a pregnant picture!

2:19 AM EDT  
Blogger The Monkey House said...

Hey! Just been thinking about you a lot lately! How are you feeling? Hope you are doing GREAT!

11:08 PM EDT  
Blogger Billie said...

here is my advice...

Like they really say....don't go to the hospital until you REALLY have to go. We freaked out and went way too early. The docs then decided to break my water and give me pitocin. I should have said no but at that point was like...whatever.

Don't get an IV unless you really have to. If they do insist on giving you one get the kind that isn't always connected to you. The name escapes me now but at least that way you can move around more easily.

I never had a chance for the flop on the belly because there was meconium so they had him go to two pediatricians right away. BUT i wish I would have asked them to just do the quick clean up (to make sure he was ok) and then give him to me. Instead they did everything and then handed him to me so it was a while until I got to hold him.

If you have a chance and want to take one more class take hypnobirthing ;). I didn't take it but a couple people I have since talked to swear by it.

If you intend on getting an epidural I'd say just get it. I waited 4 hours of no progress (at about frustrating) and finally was like just give it to me. The nurse swore up and down that it would help speed labor and it did. I got that puppy and 3 hours later I was pushing.

Random piece of advice....not sure if you have fep blue but the hospital/ob screwed us. They accept fep blue but not the anesthesiolgoy department (they failed to tell us this). So we ended up paying the difference on my epidural. Not sure if you have more than one hospital to choose from but make sure to ask about this.

Good luck and can't wait to see pics!

12:06 AM EDT  

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