Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It's Cookie TIme

Nope, no goals on paper yet, just those in my head. But, I just have to send out a reminder...Did you buy your GirlScout Cookies yet??? If you are being more concious about what you are eatting these days, there are Girl Scout Troops collecting money in order to have cookies sent directly to the soldiers currently in war zones. We call it "Operation Cookie Drop" here. If you can't find one of these programs in your community, please feel free to send your checks to me! I will be certain that the soldiers get your cookies.

Friday, January 19, 2007

First Day

What do I want to do in my 33rd year of life? That is the question I ponder today...and honestly, probably tomorrow, and maybe Sunday too. My plan is to put down, in writing, the goals that I want to accomplish by 19 January 2008, then begin laying out how I will make it all happen. And, yes, one goal is to finish the Army 10 Miler! (And then enjoy some great wine with my far-off girlfriends.) So, check back, once I have my list, I will share it, and then a year from now, I will report on how I did. Finally, in case you are reading, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEIDI!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


I am reprinting something that my good friend V wrote regarding my previous post. I really don't think that she will mind. I hope it may give others some of the motivation they need to end the excuses. I know it was a swift kick in the tushie for me. I thank God every day that he has blessed me with such wonderful people in my life.

Now, my dear friend Christy (and don't think you are alone), Here is a list of things that motivate, inspire, or kick my ass; as well as some ideas for the things that frustrate you:

-I like to eat. Eating makes you gain weight. I don't want to gain weight.

-I like red wine (and so do you). Wine has sugar. Sugar makes you gain weight. I don't want to gain weight.

-I refuse to give in to the stereotype mom body.

-I love being over 40, I don't want to look like it.

-I like clothes. I may not have the perfect body, but I am in good shape and I can find clothes that look good on me. My shoulders and biceps may be too big for some of those cute little caps sleeves, but I can live with that.

-I like muscles. I could diet and get skinny. I want shape and that comes from exercise.

-Working out makes me feel powerful and strong. I am afraid if I quit, I won't feel that way. That would be bad.

-I like that my kids and husband are proud of me. They see how hard I work and they work hard to accomodate me, my schedule, and my neurosis.

-I like that my boys are growing up with a fit woman that takes time for herself to be even better. I hope it teaches them to expect that in the women they love and honor and support their efforts. Afterall, I am raising husbands.

-OK, that over 40 thing...I want to be healthy. I have many friends dealing with health issues already, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues. I am just loosing my eyes.

-Exercise gives me perspective. There are studies that tells us that exercise helps put off the absent minded age thing (I am not sure, but hey, I'll give it a try). I know that I am calmer and most problems are just not as big a deal after I run.

-Exercise calms me when I am frustrated or mad. That, or maybe it just exhausts me, but banging weights instead of someone's head is a better choice.

-Depression runs in my family and I have chosen a lifestyle that could put me over the edge. Exercise stabalizes me.

You said:

-There is only one morning class at the gym each week that fits into my schedule and why go to the gym and run on a treadmill when I could simply go outside.
I don't understand the issue - either go to the class, run outside, or get your ass on the treadmill like everybody else.

My favorite instructors at the gym have all left.
So, you won't find a new favorite unless you give the other instructors a chance. Or, get on the treadmill like everybody else.

I am afraid to run outside by myself in the mornings before the sun is up because I am afraid of the big dogs that may be roaming around to maul me or the bad people who might do bad things to me.
Very reasonable. Then get on the treadmill like everybody else.

I just can't do it. I must face the fact that I will never wear size six jeans and I will never be able to run ten straight miles.
That's crap! You may not wear size 6 jeans. For crying out loud, you are like 5'10"! (I am actually 5'8".) Of course you can run 10 miles straight, you haven't put in the time and the training to get there. Baby steps, my friend.

I don't have time to work out like I want to. If only I could go back to not working, then I would have plenty of time.
I understand the time issue, we all have them. This one cracks me up about you. For the longest time, you got up every morning and ran at 5:30AM! I always said that there was no way that I could do that. I was wrong. When I realized that the only way I was going to manage my workouts was to get my ass out of the bed early, go to the gym and get back before my kids have to get up, you were the first person I thought of. I still think about you when I drag my body out of the house at that hour and remember you telling me how you just got used to it and now couldn't imagine not having that routine.

I'm too tired, I don't want to get up before 0600.

I only like working out in the morning, by the end of the day I am too tired and it seems like such a hassle to take off my make-up and change and then shower a second time and change again, not to mention having to pack an extra bag.
Either get up early and hit the gym, or resign yourself to a big gym bag. I now do 2 workouts a day because it is easier to find 2 one hour blocks of time than to find a 2 hour chunk. That means I get up rediculously early to run, then after work I hit the gym for a lift. If I do that, I shower in the morning after my run, take a gym bag to work with another workout outfit. I don't sweat too much with a lift, so I just wash my face and put some sweats on to go home for the evening. I hated the big bag and feeling like I was moving out every day (I also pack my lunch), but I am used to it now and I can be out of the gym in 45 minutes in the evening. I do go through a lot of exercise clothes (a great excuse to buy more) and an incredible amount of laundry, but P and I both have found that this is much easier to fit into our schedules. He lifts at lunch and does cardio early.

Hang in there, this too shall pass. Big hugs my friend. If I was there, I would make you run with me and then we would drink a bottel of fabulous Italian Sangiovese.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What's My Motivation?

I feel as if I am in workout hell. Well, maybe just a rut. The problem is that I can not find the motivation to go out and run on a regular basis and I feel like crap. That in turn causes me to want to eat French fries with cheese, fast food, and all of the other "bad" food out there. (I haven't yet, but I really want to.) It is a terrible cycle to be in and I hate it. Neverless at the present moment, I am not sure how to break free. I can not seem to find the motivation that I need.

A couple weeks ago, I thought that I was past this. The holidays were over and I truly believed that I had no more excuses. I was going to get myself back in shape and be really dedicated. No, not a New Year's resolution, just something that I wanted to do. That lasted about two weeks. Motivation level is now zero again. I think today's self-pity stems from the fact that I ate well and worked out "correctly" last week, stepped on the scale on Sunday and it had not budged from the previous week. Am I simply destined to be...I'm not sure...lazy, lethargic, a couch potato, the size and shape that I am currently?

I have read friends blogs over the past week and I am so happy for them and proud of them for reaching fitness and weight loss goals. Others are running five to ten miles and taking "breaks" to clean the house. Where do you guys find the spark to keep going? I ran about a mile the other day and I wanted to die. The happiness that I used to find from working out has transformed into the chore of having another thing that needs to be checked off of my to-do list.

I am a great excuse maker. Some of my latest excuses are:
-- I only like working out in the morning, by the end of the day I am too tired and it seems like such a hassle to take off my make-up and change and then shower a second time and change again, not to mention having to pack an extra bag.
-- There is only one morning class at the gym each week that fits into my schedule and why go to the gym and run on a treadmill when I could simply go outside.
-- My favorite instructors at the gym have all left.
-- I am afraid to run outside by myself in the mornings before the sun is up because I am afraid of the big dogs that may be roaming around to maul me or the bad people who might do bad things to me.
-- I just can't do it. I must face the fact that I will never wear size six jeans and I will never be able to run ten straight miles.
-- I don't have time to work out like I want to. If only I could go back to not working, then I would have plenty of time.
-- I'm too tired, I don't want to get up before 0600.

Yeah, I know the excuses are horrible. I don't feel accountable to anyone for my laziness and my other self is not keeping me in check these days. I am at a loss as to how to find my motivation. I am hoping for some good advice from my friends. Something that will light a fire under my ass and motivate me to make a change.

Monday, January 01, 2007

HAPPY 2007!!!

We had a great trip to Ohio over the holidays. We saw no snow, which made me sad, but I suppose we might have to visit friends in Colorado in order to view the white stuff these days. They sure seem to be covered with it! The most frustrating aspect of my time in the buckeye state is that there are never enough hours in the day to visit with all of the people I would like to for as long as I would like to. I guess that's just what happens when you "grow up" and move away.

But, we made it safely back to NC in time for Aunt Ms annual New Year's Celebration. As you can see from the photos below, a good time was had by all.

Me with the in-laws

Husband with his cousins & "Uncle"

Husband making his cousin stay later than she planned.

Tomorrow, it is back to work even though I sure could use about another week off. As for resolutions, we have none in the house. However I just thought of get the Christmas decorations packed up and put away before Valentines Day!