Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What's My Motivation?

I feel as if I am in workout hell. Well, maybe just a rut. The problem is that I can not find the motivation to go out and run on a regular basis and I feel like crap. That in turn causes me to want to eat French fries with cheese, fast food, and all of the other "bad" food out there. (I haven't yet, but I really want to.) It is a terrible cycle to be in and I hate it. Neverless at the present moment, I am not sure how to break free. I can not seem to find the motivation that I need.

A couple weeks ago, I thought that I was past this. The holidays were over and I truly believed that I had no more excuses. I was going to get myself back in shape and be really dedicated. No, not a New Year's resolution, just something that I wanted to do. That lasted about two weeks. Motivation level is now zero again. I think today's self-pity stems from the fact that I ate well and worked out "correctly" last week, stepped on the scale on Sunday and it had not budged from the previous week. Am I simply destined to be...I'm not sure...lazy, lethargic, a couch potato, the size and shape that I am currently?

I have read friends blogs over the past week and I am so happy for them and proud of them for reaching fitness and weight loss goals. Others are running five to ten miles and taking "breaks" to clean the house. Where do you guys find the spark to keep going? I ran about a mile the other day and I wanted to die. The happiness that I used to find from working out has transformed into the chore of having another thing that needs to be checked off of my to-do list.

I am a great excuse maker. Some of my latest excuses are:
-- I only like working out in the morning, by the end of the day I am too tired and it seems like such a hassle to take off my make-up and change and then shower a second time and change again, not to mention having to pack an extra bag.
-- There is only one morning class at the gym each week that fits into my schedule and why go to the gym and run on a treadmill when I could simply go outside.
-- My favorite instructors at the gym have all left.
-- I am afraid to run outside by myself in the mornings before the sun is up because I am afraid of the big dogs that may be roaming around to maul me or the bad people who might do bad things to me.
-- I just can't do it. I must face the fact that I will never wear size six jeans and I will never be able to run ten straight miles.
-- I don't have time to work out like I want to. If only I could go back to not working, then I would have plenty of time.
-- I'm too tired, I don't want to get up before 0600.

Yeah, I know the excuses are horrible. I don't feel accountable to anyone for my laziness and my other self is not keeping me in check these days. I am at a loss as to how to find my motivation. I am hoping for some good advice from my friends. Something that will light a fire under my ass and motivate me to make a change.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like you too. Most days I'd rather just make up some reason NOT to do what I know I should be doing.

I just made a choice over the Holiday break. I decided that I'm young and healthy (for the most part) and I didn't want to live this way anymore.I don't want to be overweight, not even by one pound. I want to feel what it's like to be back in my size 6 jeans and fit back into my wedding dress. I want my kids to look up to me and tell their friends about their mommy. I want to look great when it's time for me to be the mother of the groom. This is my greatest motivation. Never to grow old and keep a youthful spirit.

I will probably never be able to run 10 miles in a row either. My friend here told me not to be afraid to get out there and walk it. So I'll do my best and be happy that I didn't let my life pass me by :)

(p.s you should post this on "Did you run today?" I bet you get some great movtivation from those gals)

10:06 AM EST  
Blogger Christina/Christy/Chris said...

I was going to and got lazy...seems to be a trend...I would have had to look up all the info. from my e-mail account first...maybe when I get home tonight:-)

6:48 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about getting in a rut. My rut is a "loss of habit" rut.

But there is one thing that helps me get out there on the road: a goal. I say you find a race in mid-march. And if you think you can't run 10 miles you are SO mistaken. You can do it!!!

And always remember this: it takes about 3 weeks for the body to feel the habit of running again. After those three weeks of forcing yourself out of bed you'll really feel like doing it.

Another one: set your clothes out the night before if you want to run in the morning. That always helps me get out of bed!

And most importantly, who cares about how much weight your losing! If you are a happier, healthier you THAT is all that matters. You'll begin to see the results in your clothes and your mind...and that's more important that anything!!

Good luck!!!!

8:15 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just thought of something else you could do: organize a fun run for the Girl Scouts. You could incorporate it into the spring cookie sales events that always happen. That way you're not only getting yourself out there but you're teaching those young girls how important active lifestyles are!!

8:24 AM EST  
Blogger Christina/Christy/Chris said...

Awesome idea Billie! Great publicity and a terrific way to counteract the irritating people who complain that the girls are being taught the unhealthy habbit of eating cookies. They miss the whole Girl Sports program that is out there along with healthy eating/moderation that is also taught. My boss comes back from Vegas today and I am definately going to pitch the idea to her. I also have at least one volunteer who I know would help organize something like this. You are a genious. You know, our headquarters is in NYC...ya want to promote the idea there ;-). (I am kidding of course.)

6:38 AM EST  

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