Another Vacation
Since Husband was doing training in Indiana for a couple of weeks, I decided to travel to South Jersey and celebrate the birthday of one of my dearest friends from Germany. (Thus, my lack of posting.) It was wonderful hanging out by the pool, seeing where she grew up, exploring Philly and spending quality time with my "niece". I know that many reading this know M.P., so I thought that I would post a couple pictures of her "not so little anymore" daughter.
From this...
to this...
While I was away I was "tagged" by Robin, so here are my sets of five:Five things in my purse
1. wallet
2. Burt Bee's lip balm
3. Kleenex tissues
4. a medicine pack (Excedrin, Aleve, Tums, and Azo)
5. my "guardian angel"
Five things in my refrigerator
1. milk (skim & vanilla)
2. yogurt
3. cheese (cheddar, feta, Swiss, mozzarella, parmesan, cottage)
4. chai tea concentrate
5. A roasted chicken
Five things in my closet
(okay...which closet? I am going with the one in this room)
1. Husband's extra uniforms
2. unhung pictures & art/ extra picture frames
3. ball gowns
4. unused lampshades
5. a bag of extension cords, telephone cords, and cable
Five things in my car
1. sunglasses
2. deodorant
3. baby wipes
4. an atlas
5. an extra house key
I have some other exciting stuff going on since my return home, however I will wait to share the details until I know more...I don't want to jinx anything.