Friday, July 07, 2006


I realize that I have been lax in my posting lately. Not only am I delinquent in posting, but also on returning/sending/making phone calls and e-mails from/to people. It really comes down to being busy in a lazy sort of way. Thus, I will begin today by apologizing specifically to Maria, Vianne, Melissa, Denise, Robin, Guin, Rochelle, Shannon, Patricia, and Beth...I swear, I will make more of an effort soon. Now for an update on life in my world since I returned from Ohio.

First, for anyone who cares, the white pants issue from the last posting has been taken care of, for better or worse. I used the bleach suggestion and it worked. Now, only time will tell how long I will own white capris without holes in them. My fingers are crossed.

I returned from the buckeye state on Saturday the 24th of June. The first day that anything worth mentioning happened was on the following Thursday. I underwent surgery for the removal of four questionable pigmented protuberances (AKA moles) on my body. Presently they are healing well and I am hoping that they won't scar. Especially since one was on my face. Because of the procedure, I became really frustrated with the dermatologist as well as Tri-Care (insurance).

I sat in the dermatologist's office for about forty-five minutes after my scheduled appointment time. I had a book to read, so that was not that big a deal. Then, the assistant who first talked to me when I was finally called to the back had no clue what I was there for. As it turns out, the only thing in my chart was that I was there for 'a procedure'. Even that was not too irritating to me. However, I soon became exasperated when I was told that I would not be able to have all of the spots removed that actually needed to be removed because...get this...THEY were running behind schedule and there wasn't enough time. Since when is it my problem that a doctor overbooks? And, why should I have to come back, in September (Yep, that's the next available appointment time because the Doc is going on vacation.) to have four more of the suggested spots removed? Agh!

Here's another kicker. Tri-Care, the insurance carrier for military dependents, allegedly doesn't pay a dime toward mole removal. I found that tidbit of information out as I was sitting in the back talking about what procedure I was having done. So, I had to spend over $600 out-of-pocket to be sure that I don't have a melanoma growing on my body. And, that doesn't count the cost of having the four spots biopsied. Plus, I have the privilege of knowing that I will have to pay that much again, because there are at least four more moles that need to be removed. Thank you Army for this lack-of-benefit!!! I am hoping for some sort of reimbursement for the procedure, but I am not holding my breath.

On a more positive note, we spent last Saturday in a larger city in the area shopping for a suit. Husband is looking into employment options outside of the Army and thus needs a suit for upcoming interviews. Well, I suppose I should say needed, because we found one. Goodness, a great suit is expensive! We have taken on the mindset that the suit along with the shirts and ties to go with it are an investment. Kind of like the expensive purses I feel the need to carry. Oh, the tricks I play to justify purchases.

Speaking of the possibility of life outside of the Army, that will have to wait for another posting on another day. It still makes me nervous to talk about it. Not because I am nervous about life in the civilian world, but rather the fear that it will not happen. I have loved the time I have spent as a military wife, but it is a difficult life and frankly I have had my fill during the past five years. Literally five years as a soldier's wife...our anniversary is today.

Independence Day was mostly uneventful. Husband's family arrived and spent the night on the 3rd (they live about 2 hours away from us) and we cooked out on the 4th. It was big slumber party with guests on air mattresses and in sleeping bags. But, everyone had to leave before any evening festivities on the 4th because of work obligations on the 5th. So, Husband and I, in all of our anti-social and apathetic glory, spent a quiet evening at home watching TIVOed "24" and eating apple crisp.

Ya know, there is something that I just don't understand. Why do companies, the Army included, not give employees the 5th off, at least until around noon? By the time traffic subsides at a fireworks display and one can get home, it is quite late. It just doesn't seem right or fair to have to go to work at the butt-crack of dawn on 5 July. It's un-American!

So, that brings me to the present. I had the opportunity to mail a resume yesterday...yeah! At least there was one job with potential listed in the paper this week. I am almost bored enough to go out of my mind right now. I can only read, play on the internet, and watch television for so long. I need to feel like a productive part of society again, thus I need a job! I would work retail and look into management, but that would mean working weekends, and I am not willing to give up that time with Husband.

Well, until I somehow manage to find the time in my busy schedule to get around to posting again. Take care!


Blogger Angie said...

I feel happy that I am not on your deliquent contacts list! Thanks for taking the time to write...Miss You!

Good Luck with your job hunt. Any employer should scoop you up the minute you walk in the door!

1:56 PM EDT  
Blogger Robin said...

Welcome back! Good luck on the job hunt. I agree with Angie that you shouldn't have any problems at all. Talk to you soon! :-)

3:07 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!
Glad to see you're posting again & that your pants are white again. Good luck with all your future plans ~ sounds like you've got busy days ahead of you.

2:47 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I know you well enough to not hold my breath for an instant reply HA HA. Happy Anniversary! Good luck on the job search. I hope you are still thinking about the cruise. Miss you tons. Give Hubby a hug from me :o)

8:33 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Christy-
Who told you that Tricare wouldn't cover your derm Dr's bills? I had the same thing told to me but when I checked again, it all worked out and Tricare covered the cost of the procedure and follow up care.
Glad that you had a good time in Ohio. I would love to make it back to visit family sometime soon - all depending on the upcoming deployments of course:)

3:20 PM EDT  

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