Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Interior Photos

Here are some photos of the inside of the house. Keep in mind that it is still a work in progress. We are waiting for the flooring guys to finish putting in the 1/4 round before we can hook up all of the stereo equipment, get the bookshelves in order, and finish arranging the dining room. Plus we have a lot of pictures to hang and I want to paint the walls a few different colors. But, these will give you an idea of what it looks like. There is still too much work to be done in the bedrooms, bathrooms, & office to post those pictures yet.

Just inside the front door.

From the front door looking into the living room.

The living room looking back toward the front door/entry.
Looking into the dining room from the living room.

Another view of the dining room.

Looking into the kitchen from the dining room.

The other side of the kitchen
One of the walls in the office, just to show the color that took me three coats to cover evenly.

A Few Photos of the New House.

Here are a few of pictures of our new home.

The front yard...
And the back yard...

This is Herman, our very first tree.

The back patio, looking into the rest of the back yard.

I also had to go to Wal Mart this evening and took pictures on the way
there and back, so this is the surrounding area.

I will post some photos of the inside later this week.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Baby Excitement, or Lack Thereof

There have been many inquiries into mine and husbands excitement regarding the impending baby. My usual reply is something in the vicinity of nope, not excited. Then I feel really kinda crappy, mean, and that I am being an ugly/terrible person and that something is wrong with us; that this should be the most wonderful time in our lives and it just isn't. I attributed it to the stress of moving and changing jobs and keep thinking that things are going to change, things are going to get better, and they just don't.

I think (or maybe hoping) that we are simply scared shitless. Which I am pretty sure as close as I can come to pinpointing our feelings. Again, this wasn't a planned pregnancy, there was a lot of shock, and yes, a lot of fear in regards to the following issues: Will we be able to do this? How will it change us? Are we making a mistake? How do we do this? I just don't feel prepared or ready to be a mother and I know that my feelings are reciprocated by husband. Normal, yes, as far as I have read. But, it just doesn't seem to REALLY be normal. Too many people out there are simply overjoyed to be having a baby.

Again, we are accepting that this is happening, but neither of us knows how to honestly be happy about it. We are talking about going to counseling, but, for some reason, this seems a bit extreme to both of us. Isn't happiness supposed to just "kick-in" eventually? I have put off reading many books on pregnancy and parenting up until now. Since, I am not looking at any paid employment in the near future, I think that I will begin researching the whole topic as if I were writing a thesis on the subject. Maybe that will somehow help us cope better. Although, I am also afraid that this may make the whole situation even scarier.

Everyone has been very reassuring in their belief that we will be wonderful parents and I am very appreciative of the kind words of encouragement. We just can not seem to get on that same page. I know that having a baby is a life changing event, but my outlook all seems to be gloom and doom...thus being scared is my best diagnosis. Anyone's insight into this would be welcomed...just don't be too mean or you will cause me to cry.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Snow, Painting, and Crossing the Country

I can not believe it, but I woke up to snow today. Yep, that's correct, it is almost mid June and we got enough snow this morning for it to actually stick to the ground for a couple of hours. (I was going to take and post some pictures, but I was too lazy to dig out the camera.) The "locals" keep saying that this is not typical for June. I simply have to wonder what is typical these days. Absolutely nothing when it comes to the weather...anywhere. After our morning snow, we saw the sun briefly in the afternoon, and now it is raining. Layers, layers, layers when it comes to getting dressed every day. And, I am learning to always pack an umbrella.

I have spent the last couple of days attempting to paint the office. I say attempting because I am yet to complete the job. I am using a very dark blue (think Midnight Blue from the 64 pack of Crayolas) and it has taken me three coats to get the paint even. I am waiting for Husband to make it home to give me his two cents on whether or not I need to even out one of the walls. It is evenly covered, but for some reason, I feel that I can see roller marks. Nit-Picky, yes, but that's just the kind of girl I am, although I am quite tired of having blue paint everywhere. Then, he can help me move everything to the other side of the room so that I can work on the last wall tomorrow (and maybe the questionable wall too).

Now, as promised from my last post, here are a couple of photos from our trip across the country. It's funny that although we went through North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana, we only took pictures or stopped to "see the sights" in South Dakota.

Here we are at Wall Drug.
We by-passed The Corn Palace and quite a few others,
but we had to make at least one cheesy tourist attraction stop.

Here we are at Mount Rushmore.

A little lighter on the cheese factor and a

great opportunity to get some exercise as we hiked the trail.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Graduation Day

Here are some photos to kick off my days of catching up. These are from Husband's May graduation.
Husband sporting his professional business attire. He is very thankful that he does not have to wear a suit to work every day.
Yipee!!! No more every other weekend visits! Although, I do believe that the whole pregnancy thing is showing up in my puffy face.

The official congratulations.
Taking the oath.

Next post...some photos from our cross-country adventure.