November Thanks
November has changed for me over the years. When I was a kid, Thanksgiving was just the "stupid holiday" before the holiday with the presents. During college, Thanksgiving was the first real break from school, and for the first time ever, I loved to lounge around the house and nap after overindulging in Dad's scrumdillyicious cooking. Plus all of my friends were "home" for the holiday so there were always great parties happening. Now, Thanksgiving has come to mean what I think it has meant to all along, a day to be thankful. During this time of year, I realize that I have so very much to be thankful for.
I have the love of a very extended "family". Family, to me, includes many friends, after all, there have been years of my life that I have spent away from those whom I am biologically connected to. I am thankful for every single one of my family's members, even if I haven't talked them in far too long, years in some cases. I probably think about each of them far more often than they would ever guess, I am just too lazy to pick up the phone and call or pick up a pen and write a note. (I do believe that I am sensing a New Year's resolution.)
I have my health, no outstanding debt, plenty of money to survive on, a nice home, a good job, plenty of food, and the list goes on. I feel very blessed. Among those blessings, I must include the love of my life. During November, for several years now, I tend to hold him a little closer, appreciate him a little bit more, and count my lucky stars that he is here beside me.
This past weekend, husband brought up the fact that three years ago he was on R & R and we were either on our way to or in Garmish, Germany. I have been thinking about how wonderful and relaxing that week was and have decided to share some photos and memories. Here we are, getting cozy by the fire at the hotel we stayed at.
This was also the trip where we took a horse & buggy ride in the freezing cold, bundled up with hats and gloves under a wool blanket. We also attended a German hockey game; we even got all excited when the home team scored. I didn't put myself through the frustration of attempting to ski, although we did make a trip to the Zugspitze, the highest point in the German Alps.
I also acted like a little girl when I saw the "real" Cinderella castle, Neuschwanstein, looming over the nearby town just before we started the hike up the hill to see it close up.
It was a wonderful holiday of togetherness. Just the two of us. I also bought husband presents, which, funny enough, we were also talking about this weekend. One was a leather coat that he finds just a little too bulky and heavy. The other gift was a pair of really cool boots that he finds too preppy. (Oh how I want to throw his Doc Martins into a fire!) I am still trying to convince him that that they don't make him look like a "pretty boy".
This year, we get to spend Thanksgiving with family. Aunt Mickey is hosting the festivities which I am sure will prove to be a grand time had by all in attendance. A little wine, way too much food, a game or two of dominos, and then it will be time to head off to a good nights rest so that we are ready to take on all of those glorious sales during the shopping madness of the day after.
May you and your family have a blessed and love filled Thanksgiving.