Friday, March 03, 2006


Yes, today is full of little stories from my Wal-Mart trip. This one is regarding layout. Maybe it is just this particular store that I go to, but the layout drives me crazy. There are bath poofs in the soap area and the make-up area and the middle of the isle. Not all of the shower gels are together. They have the brand name/soap like ones (think Dove, Oil of Olay, Dial) all together and then the fruity scented and spa like washes by the make-up. What sense does this make? If I were looking for something other than Dove to lather up with, it would be nice to have it all in the same isle.

Then there are the office supplies. There is this random isle in the center of the store with what I think might be extra stock - office supplies, tote boxes, plastic cups - there is no rhyme or reason to it. It's not clearance or particularly seasonal. It's just weird.

One day, I was looking for hand-held blender. Ours had died in the middle of my making frosting so it was an emergency trip. I found them in two different isles and neither selection was with the stand mixers. Then, there were display models that I couldn't find in a box and boxes that weren't on display. Come on, organization people!

There just seems to be random crap everywhere and it drives me crazy. The Wal-Mart in my hometown was incredibly easy to navigate. I could be in and out within minutes. Here, it takes 45 minutes minimum and is anything other than convenient. Now they are presently building a Super Center in my little hometown that is scheduled to open in the spring. I hope that it's better organized than the one here or I feel sorry for its patrons.


Blogger nicole said...

I despise Walmart...I won't go into the great details of why but I find Target MUCH nicer and better organized so that is my discount store-of-choice, always. If the commissary doesn't have what I'm looking for, I head to of nice, wide aisles, clean floors, bright lights, and quality merchandise, *ahhh* I agree with your Wal-mart layout complaints. :)

9:15 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good choice Nicole!

10:32 PM EST  

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