Monday, February 13, 2006


I actually wrote this a few days ago but forgot to post it then, so I am posting it now.

In tribute to all of my friends who live in the northeast I will spend some time talking about snow. After all, I have a few friends living through the record setting 26 inch snowfall in NYC as well as friends in Germany who have been battling a pretty good winter themselves. I have heard many people who move south after growing up in the north talk about how much they miss snow. I always thought that I would also fall into that category. I did . . . for about a week in Decemeber.

Yes, snow is pretty when it is falling and covering everything in a glistening layer of white. I did miss snow's effect on the scenery during the holidays. It is fun to have a snowball fight every now and then as well as bundle up in a hat and scarf once in a while. And there is nothing more beautiful than a long driveway lined with snow covered evergreens.

On the flip side, snow is not so pretty when it turns to gray-brown muck on the side of the road. It also hurts when it is pelting against a persons face as they run into it while getting a bit of exercise. It soaks clothing and shoes and can make a person feel heavy, damp, and miserable. Plus, it's cold and it can ruin a good-hair-day.

I also got the excitement of driving in snow through the mountains as I returned to NC. Low visibility due to flurries in the mountians = not fun. Other road related factors regarding snow. . . Salt trucks flinging salt all over the car as you drive by them = not fun. Driving 25 in a 65 because of bad roads = not fun. Doing 360s on black ice due to drifting snow = not fun. Sliding around up the hill of a driveway = not fun. Or, even better, having to back up and take a "running start" to get the car up that same hill because going slow didn't work the first three times = not fun.

Yep, I thought I would totally miss the snow during the winter. And, it makes me laugh that today is "cold" here at 48 degrees. I will choose to take the sunny and dry any day of the year and reminis about past white Christmases when the option is a few inches of the pretty white fluff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was 78 degrees here today! Ahh, Louisiana, also known as Paradise. That sunny, get-away destination everyone dreams of! I'm not sure if I'm being sarcastic, or trying to convince myself that it's better than it is! :)

8:01 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We got about a foot of snow last weekend. At this point in the season, I have lost my sense of humor. I will have mud in my house for at least 8 more weeks. Ugh! Barcelona and Sardinia for spring break. I hope we find spring there. Wish me luck.
Love, V

1:02 AM EST  

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