Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mystery Explained, Mystery Continues

One mystery is drawing to an end for anyone who is wondering what the "surprise" post was all about. I will now explain what the cryptic message was all about. I received a call from my sister on Friday that my Dad had a seizure and that the doctors didn't know what was wrong with him.

For those of you who have lived with me through the many family traumas during the past several years, you already know the story, but I will sum it up for those who are reading that don't know. Dad began his journey by having his spleen removed while I was still in high school. He then had a liver transplant in the late 90s. He was diagnosed with cancer and had to have his left ear removed which in turn paralyzed part of his face. About a year and a half ago he underwent quadruple bypass surgery. He is on kidney dialysis and is presently on the transplant list for a new kidney. So, as you can tell the man has had more than his share of health problems. The most current episode was the most frightening yet because it was so sudden.

Today he is at home, but driving two hours to the hospital periodically because the doctors still aren't sure what happened to cause the seizure. There are many theories. The most important thing is that they do not believe that the cancer has returned (our biggest fear). But the mystery for the family goes on.


Blogger nicole said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your bad news. I will keep your dad in my prayers and truly hope that everything works out for all of you. I'm thinking of you!

12:03 PM EST  

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