Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Saving Money

Why am I so bad at saving money? I really want to be better at it, but I need to figure out how to improve. The problem lies in there being so many things out there that I think I need. Plus, the internet makes so incredibly simple for me to find exactly what I am looking for.

Here is an example of both the need aspect and internet ease. I was looking for a blender. I think that I need this blender because my current blender is over six years old and it was very cheap when I bought it. Bottom line: it doesn't crush pre-crushed ice very well and I think that if I had a blender that worked better I would drink more smoothies. Smoothies in turn will help with my healthy eating plan. So, I really need this blender (I think).

I am not looking for just any blender. I am searching for a specific model blender that I researched through Consumer Reports. I was originally going to buy it for myself as a 'happy birthday to me present'. I went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond, Sears, Linens-N-Things, Wal-Mart, Lowes, Best Buy, and K-Mart before finally giving up on my quest. I was honestly thinking that they no longer made the darn thing.

Well, the next day I found it on-line right away and bought it. I had searched for hours, spent money on gas, and wasted my time looking for something that was just delivered to my front door. (Literally, the UPS man was just here.) Another lesson that I am taking away from this experience is as follows: when I am looking for a specific home item that has a model number and a brand attached, I will check on the internet first.

But, that's not what I began writing about. It is about saving money. I have a laundry list of big ticket items that I want to save for (a house, a car, Lasik surgery, an Alaskan cruise, etc.), but I keep spending money on dumb things. I know those big goals are out there but instant gratification is a lot more fun!

I have come up with my first idea to attempt to curb my spending. When I shop on-line sales, instead of buying the stuff, I am putting it in my cart and then printing out the list and handing it to my husband as potential gift ideas. He is always asking for ideas and I can never thing of anything when I am put on the spot, so I am getting two birds with one stone. I just printed for the first time and wrote a note about Valentine's day. If you have any other little tricks or ideas, please let me know!

I understand that this won't be a perfect solution, but at least it's a start. If I can come up with just a few more ways to save when I want to spend I will be ecstatic. I’ll be sure to keep you updated on my progress and probably my many missteps along the way.


Blogger Angie said...

I wish I had some good ideas on how to save. The fact is, I'm just as bad as you. When I see something I just have to buy it right then (i.e. Crystal shopping in Neustadt...hehehe) I'd also love to be on that Alaskan Cruise someday with you!

11:02 AM EST  
Blogger nicole said...

Being a thrifty is a fine art...but you know...once you start saving and seeing how much you save, you'll be addicted...kinda like the coupon thing ;)

6:04 PM EST  
Blogger nicole said...

*correction* being thrifty...not being a thrifty...;)

6:05 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Nicole: saving can become addictive. Watching those investments grow is much more rewarding than looking at a shirt in the closet. I even remember the day we paid off the last of our debts and I swear the only time I'll owe someone again is when we buy another house. But now I've almost got the problem on the other end of the spectrum: forcing myself to spend on little luxuries! Good luck!

9:51 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correcto, Beth y Nicole!
I saved so much money, during my husband deployments, and now everytime we go and spend just a little of it we both cry.

8:34 PM EST  

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