Saturday, January 14, 2006

Idea Trap

Patti P. first asked me to blog about two years ago. While I lived in Germany I wrote for a small local Army magazine, she loved the articles, my writing style, and wanted to read more. Since that time, I have lost count of the number of times the subject of blogging has come up in reference to me setting one up. So, what changed and finally encouraged me to start now? Several things.

The first being an assignment for a class I am taking this semester that has asked me to keep a notebook/journal/sketchbook with daily entries of "ideas, insights, images, novel musings, seeing ordinary things in new ways, extraordinary happenings, personal discoveries, creative notions, reactions to readings, reflections on personal use of concepts learned or thoughts relating to creativity." (Nina Barbee, PhD) This notebook/journal/sketchbook is to be called my Idea Trap. So, I have started a blog to help my Idea Trap become a bit more than a list of random words on a piece of paper that I misplace.

A school assignment is not the only reason I have for starting this blog. I have appreciated and enjoyed reading the blogs of many of my friends during the past year. So, it only seemed fair that I allow them to have a glimpse into the crazyness that is within my head. Family too, family is scattered all over the place and I really wish that I was in a closer proximity with all of them so that we could all get to know each other better. This way, at least they will have the opportunity to get to know me on a slightly different level. Plus, I am pretty bad at keeping in touch, so this is a way that I can keep everyone up-to-date on the current happenings in my life.

I also figure that when it comes to creativity, support, and change, the more minds the better. When I am struggling with something, there may just be someone out there who can give me some insite, encouragement, or advice. On the flip side of that last coment, I hope that I might be able to help others out who find themselves in similar situations to those I encounter.

Finally . . .

WARNING: At times I may not make a whole lot of sense. At times I may ramble, rant, whine, preach, pitty myself, write something really weird and off the wall, or just talk about stupid stuff. For those who know me best, you know that is just who I am. Those who only know me on the surface may be in for quite a surprise. That's why I have chosen to title my blog as I have. My mind is very muddled, messy, and disorganized (just ask my husband) but I really want to share with people what is in there. If you are here, I hope you enjoy the Chaos inside my head.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on taking the leap into the blogosphere! I know you will have tons of interesting entries. No doubt, I will be checking in frequently for an update.
Patti P.

10:51 AM EST  

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