Okay, from my DVD days in Europe, I remember Miranda having it on Sex and the City, but I had no idea what a miraculous invention Tivo is. Right now my husband is talking to his mom on the phone and Tivo is recording the show that we were in the middle of watching. There is no programing, it just automatically does it on it's own. Actually, I think that a standard digital recording device (DVR) does the same thing. Anyhow, if you are behind on the cool technology because you are still in Germany I would highly recomend it once you return stateside.
Tivo got me to thinking. Wouldn't it be nice to have an invention like this for life. Like an instant replay during a football game. That would be great during an arguement. We could rewind and find out what was really said. Or, if you had two things you wanted to do at once, you could actually do both. (I forgot to mention that Tivo can record two programs at the same time . . . that's definately a leg up on the ol' VCR.) Right now, I really can't think of a downside to real life Tivo. Well, except that my sister-in-law (a.k.a. lawyer) could be out of a job.
OMG, I do like daily hails to the TiVo when I am visiting my parents in the states. I have them record Law and Order, and Adoption Story, a Baby Story, a Wedding Story, etc and loads of other shows for me ahead of time before I get there, and then I just zone out in front of the TV there. I actually groan when my mother wants to watch something real time. I suggest recording it, and starting to watch it about 15 minutes later so we can fast-forward thru commercials.
I am just worried about what advertizers will dream up to combat TiVo in a few years, when everyone will have purchased it.
Oh, and that was such a great Sex and the City episode...Miranda was always my favorite...the most real of the four.
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