Dr. 90210
So, it's day two (actually three) and I am already behind. But, I am writing for Sunday over coffee first thing in the morning to make up . . . maybe it's still Sunday somewhere. Anyhow, I will be writing as if it is Sunday evening.
I have this obsession lately. I'm not sure where it started, but I thought about it again as I watched Dr. 90210 this morning. I have this body, weight, looks obsession and I am always comparing myself to other women. I am not sure where it came from. I was never made fun of for being fat or overweight. I have always been athletic. I don't think that my parents taught me to hate my body, but I do. Well, maybe not hate, but we certainly don't have the best relationship. I could blame it on the media, however, I know quite a few people who don't live in caves and still like their imperfect bodies. I often wonder, why can't I love mine?
Last week I talked with a personal trainer and found out a few things. I am not over weight. I am pretty much in the middle of where I should be. My body fat is not high. My water levels are outstanding. The tags in my clothes are 6s and 8s, mediums and smalls. Yet, I look in the mirror and scream YUCK! all of the time. Why?
I think that the scale is part of my downfall. In my mind I want to be 10 pounds lighter and it is so difficult to achieve. I eat well, whole wheat, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and I work out, the whole nine yards. Still . . . nothing. And, no, I won't throw the scale out. Too, health professionals keep changing expectations and making them more difficult to achieve. Most recently the number representing a healthy cholesterol level has lowered making health an even more elusive creature . 20 minutes of exercise 3 days per week used to be good, now "experts" are saying that 1 hour 3 times a week is the minimum. The bar just keeps raising so I have to wonder, how is a person supposed to keep up?
I try to have will power, but there are so many temptations out there and I absolutely LOVE food. When I go out to dinner I cry inside because I want the mozzarella sticks and the chicken covered with cheese, sauted mushrooms and bacon with a side of fries that I can dip into ranch dressing. Yum! Yum! Not that I don't indulge those cravings sometimes, but these days, I flip straight to the back of the menu where the healthier choices are and settle for a piece of meat with a side of steamed vegetables. Not so exciting for my tastebuds. And, my adoration of desert will be saved for another day.
Enough pondering on the whole food thing and back to what started all of this. Dr. 90210. . . I used to say that I would never have plastic surgery. Growing older gracefully was the good and right thing to do. That was before I began noticing the fine lines and wrinkles. Now, I am not so sure that I wouldn't go under the knife or needle. I keep thinking that I could just have those 10 pounds sucked out of all of the spots that I hate. I could maintain it if I could just get rid of it. And, maybe that would give me the self confidence that I wish that I had.
It's one battle after another in an ongoing war within myself. I don't know that I will ever be truely happy with me. I have a little faith and will keep trying though. I truely hope that one day I will succeed.
You're a beautiful fashionista just the way you are! But I understand...I think every woman (yes maybe even Elle McPherson) has body image issues...
Keep smiling,
The first thing I would like to say is that anyone who knows Christy, knows she is a truly beautiful person inside and out. One word that comes to mind when thinking of Christy is "perfect." She has the perfect body; she's always impeccably dressed and she has a presence that commands attention when she walks into a room. So girl--you have no reason to be insecure.
But just the same, I understand the obsession with imperfection. Even though I think I have high self-esteem and I basically like my body and the things it can do--I hate how I look. When I look in the mirror, or even worse, at pictures of myself, I’m always quick to point out how my nose overtakes my petite face and tilts to one side making me look like (in my mind) some monstrous being and how my teeth gravitate to the other side of my face exacerbating the distortion. When looking at full length shots, I don’t see my well-toned legs, no, I notice instead my a-cup breasts that never really fill out clothes and make me look boyish when I’m not wearing a heavily padded bra. And on top of all of these life-long imperfections, as I creep towards forty, I’m noticing wrinkles and saggy areas that were non-existent a few years ago. Great! I want to throw my hands up in defeat and run straight to the dermatologist yelling, "Bring on the BOTOX!"
But what makes us feel this way? The media certainly doesn’t help. Take the "Desperate Housewives," for instance. While I'm glad there is a show focusing on the lives of women in their 30s-40s, these ladies are anything but "desperate" in the looks department. They are all small, probably size zeros (since the camera adds ten pounds), perfectly dressed and pretty much wrinkle free. Then there’s Christy Brinkley advertising Cover Girl’s Advanced Radiance products. She looks about twenty years younger than her fifty-one years. I know many great-looking and in-shape ladies in their forties, but they still don’t look quite as perfect as these media icons.
But is there harm in trying to be the best that we can be—inside and out? Bette Midler, another celebrity who looks great for her years recently said, “I am my own restoration project.” Well, if you think about it that way, I mean, we repair our cars, houses, and clothes, why not our bodies? I’m all for healthy eating and taking care of ourselves, but can we go too far? I don’t have that answer, because, honestly, if I had the time and the money and didn’t fear surgery, I’d definitely be in Dr. 90210’s office for my own extreme makeover. So, if any of you have the answer to being content with your looks and body, please share that little secret with all the women of the world. Until then, I’m starting a face-lift fund. :-)
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