Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Grown Up?

As I started to venture upstairs tonight to do homework, my husband had just commenced watching a Tivoed episode of Grey's Anatomy. The particular episode was from this past Sunday and the main character Meredith says something that I believe more and more as I get older. She says that the older she gets the more she is convinced that there is no such thing as a grown-up.

I have told people many times and have even written previously that I don't feel old. To be completely honest, I don't often feel like a grown-up at all. Here are just a few of the reasons why . . .

I don't work; I go to school. I play video games on the computer instead of doing my homework. I act like a lunatic dancing around the house -- often. I jump on my bed sometimes. I am obnoxious as all get out (just ask my sister and husband). I stick my tongue out at people and rattle off those very juvenile phrases such as "missed me, missed me, now ya gotta kiss me." I think that sugar is the best food group that there is. I chew up my food so it's all gross and then I show people. I love to moon people. And I still don't know what I want to be when I do grow-up.

I don't recall grown-ups doing these sort of things when I was younger. Do we become closet goof-balls after a certain age or is it just me? Yes, I have a more refined side to me and I am rather quiet by nature so I can easily fool people into thinking that I am not a total weirdo. But, many of my closest friends know the truth.

All you have to do is join me running at 530 AM to see the goofiness cup runnith over. PC can verify that I would sing songs like I Like to Move It, Move It and Can't Touch This and Baby's Got Back out loud as I ran down the street. Heck my sister was privilege to it just a couple weeks ago, along with some random skipping and weird arm flailing.

While I was in Ohio, I also had this overwhelming urge to drive by these people dressed in Statue of Liberty garb and working for some tax filing agency and blast New York, New York. It never happened because I kept forgetting to grab the CD and put it in the car. (Frank Sinatra, just in case you were wondering how on earth I would have that song.)

There are also board games that bring it out in me. I can think of a whole lot of people who have seen the wilder side come out this way. Especially with some Poison or other random big haired 80s group blasting in the background. Then, just add alcohol and you're in for a real treat.

So, grown-up, does it ever really happen? Or, is it one of those things that is as elusive as the sasquatch? A myth passed on from generation to generation. If grown-up is a real thing, I certainly hope that I never find out.


Blogger nicole said...

Yeah...why is that my body tells me I'm 26 but in my mind, I still see myself as a clueless 19-year-old? Time flies...

1:19 PM EST  
Blogger Angie said...

I never wanna grow up either! Sorta Peter Panish if you think about it. In fact my favorite place on the earth is Disney World. I can't wait to take my own kids there someday. Have fun being a kid!

6:55 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait Nicole: it's not weird until you're in your 30's with 2 kids and still see yourself as 19! :) Great post Christy!

10:02 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I tried to son just turned 15! How can I be 19 and have a child that is 15?

5:39 PM EST  

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