Friday, April 27, 2007


So, we are not moving. I guess there was some sort of mix-up at the owner's bank. I am still just waiting for an eviction notice to be posted on our door though. There's just something shady about this guy...and I have neither met him nor spoken with him. Just a feeling.

Other than that, husband got home early from his trip to Mississippi, so that was nice. And, kind of surprising considering the Army. He just filed his paperwork to make a change in career official, so there's no turning back now. At least that is what we are hoping for.

The cats got a haircut on Monday. I will have to take "after" pictures and post them; they look incredibly funny with no hair. I am only telling you silly things about the cats because they look so silly. Okay, I sound like a "cat lady" gag. Just wait, you'll see. Maybe.

Work is grand. I am helping out with Jamboree tomorrow. It's basically a cross between a festival and a camp out with thousands of little girls. And, to make it better, I just found out that there will be whistles for them to purchase. I don't know whose bright idea that was, but I am sure they will regret it. It's being held at a race track, so on black top, and it's supposed to be a sunny high of 81, so that makes it even better. On a brighter work note, I will be a bus captain for a weekend trip to Savannah next month and then I head to New York for training in June. So, never a dull moment.

Almost two months after surgery, I still can't feel all of my mouth. It is just strange. But the doctor said that I was still in the healing process and that I should make a full recover in the next four months. Geesh! I would have never thought that it would take this long!

My training plan for the Army 10-Miler is going well. I really haven't had any lazy days and my determination is pretty high, so the possibility of me actually finishing is becoming a reality. But, you can check out the Did you Run Today? link if you want to read more about that.

Okay, those are all of my boring updates. Maybe one of these days I will have time to post something insightful. But for now, it's date night and I think we are going out to dinner at (Yumm!) Carrabbas. Ciao!

Friday, April 13, 2007

A Surprise in the Mail

Normally I like surprises. Not this morning. I had just gotten up and was waiting for my morning caffeine fix when I decided to open yesterday's mail. Nothing looked "fun" so it had been thrown to side when it was brought into the house last night. There were a couple credit card offers that I ripped up and then there was a piece from a mortgage company addressed to the actual owner of the house that we live in. (We are renting.) Just in case it wasn't junk I opened it.

Nope, not junk. It was a letter informing the owner that he hadn't paid his mortgage the past two months. He owes back payments, late fees, etc. and risks foreclosure. Now, I could care less about his mortgage and irresponsibility, but I am concerned about what will happen to us. I really don't want to move again and I especially don't want to have to do it myself. Arghhh!!!!

So, onto my to-do list for the day goes a trip to the property manager with the letter. I'm not sure if I will have any recourse if the home is foreclosed upon. So, this could get interesting. Too many unknowns to speculate upon, so I won't. I think I will go run now.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Operation Cookie Drop

I spent this afternoon on Fort Bragg loading Girl Scout cookies into trucks. The money used to purchase the cookies came from many kind donations to “Operation Cookie Drop”. All of the cookies will eventually make their way to our soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought you might enjoy some photos.