Friday, April 13, 2007

A Surprise in the Mail

Normally I like surprises. Not this morning. I had just gotten up and was waiting for my morning caffeine fix when I decided to open yesterday's mail. Nothing looked "fun" so it had been thrown to side when it was brought into the house last night. There were a couple credit card offers that I ripped up and then there was a piece from a mortgage company addressed to the actual owner of the house that we live in. (We are renting.) Just in case it wasn't junk I opened it.

Nope, not junk. It was a letter informing the owner that he hadn't paid his mortgage the past two months. He owes back payments, late fees, etc. and risks foreclosure. Now, I could care less about his mortgage and irresponsibility, but I am concerned about what will happen to us. I really don't want to move again and I especially don't want to have to do it myself. Arghhh!!!!

So, onto my to-do list for the day goes a trip to the property manager with the letter. I'm not sure if I will have any recourse if the home is foreclosed upon. So, this could get interesting. Too many unknowns to speculate upon, so I won't. I think I will go run now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an unsettling letter to open
:( But you've got rights as a tenant!
Check out:

BTW, if you haven't seen "Pacific Heights", rent it.It's tenant rights gone mad.

5:07 PM EDT  
Blogger Angie said...

This exact same thing happened to us when we lived in Texas except the house did go into foreclosure. We just moved since Fred was deploying to Bosnia at the time the our lease expired. It sucked and we had to move ourselves on Thanksgiving Day (we ate at Denny's that year). Good Luck! I hope everything works out for you!

11:22 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Christy~
I have just asked our landlord to let us out of our lease so I can move onto post. There is immediate availability right now for our rank. We could be neighbors! Oh, I have estimates on moving companies and it's not as bad as I thought. Give me a call!

12:35 PM EDT  

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