Friday, March 30, 2007

The Visit

I can't believe that I haven't written in over a month! Time just seems to slip away from me. Mom & Dad were here visiting for the past week, but other than that, there really hasn't been anything all that eventful happening. Or, at least nothing that I can recall.

Our visit with the parents was good. Dad was ever his handy self and put together our umbrella stand for the patio and we were even able to have dinner under it one evening. Oh, how I love the 80 degree weather we have been having! He also put a knob on our dryer so that we could stop prying it open with a screw driver. Ya see, the handle broke months ago and why in the heck would I get rid of a perfectly good dryer because it has no handle? Sure, a bit trailer-trash, but hey it worked! Anyhow, now I have a beautifully decrative knob to pull the door open with.

We took a trip with Mom & Dad to see one of the biggest highlights that NC has to offer...the Richard Petty museum. (Yes, that was said in jest!) For all of you non-sports fans, the Pettys are one of the best known families in stock car racing. It actually had some great collections including Mrs. Petty's dolls and Barbies, all sorts of collectors guns, keys to cities, and old "stuff" that have had the Pettys' race cars and photos on it. I would say it was worth the $5 entrance fee.

Mom and I also spent some time at the spa getting our piggies painted. It was her first pedicure and now she is all set for sandle weather. Too bad she had to return to the land of colder temperatures. We also had fun, of course, shopping. We were able to explore a few of the little downtoen shops in the area that I had been dying to check out.

Another day-trip was to Raleigh where Husband & I finally purchased a pretty bed and matching nightstands. I can not tell you how excited I am about this purchase. Although I would have been even happier if Husband would have let me buy all of the other pieces to go along with it. However, he had a point when he said we need to wait and see what our future holds. After all, if NYC turns out to be our new home, I don't know that there will even be room for what we have now.

Speaking of moving, here's an update...yeah, we know very little yet. One day soon I hope! He has passed every hurdle thus far, but he is waiting on a call to let him know when school will be. Oh, and for his current employeer to let him leave.

Now, I suppose I should get to the office and play catch-up due to the vacation days that I just took. There's a big camping event this weekend and the leader putting it together may need some assistance yet. I just need to find the motivation to move!


Blogger Robin said...

I'm so glad to see a new entry from you! I've missed you. Yeah, I know I could have called you, but I guess that lazyness is a trait you and I have in common. I'm glad you had a good visit with your folks, and sorry the hubby doesn't know any more about the new job. I hope he gets news soon, and that it's the news you all are hoping for. Let's get together soon...I wanna show you our new house! Love ya Girl!

9:59 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just checked in to see what's new with you. Glad to see all is well. FYI, we are moving soon--Dave is being reassigned to the University of Montana ROTC in Missoula, MT. Hope to talk to you soon!


12:42 AM EDT  

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