Monday, February 26, 2007

Random Thoughts

There is nothing exciting happening in my world right now so, here are some random thoughts and goings on:

--I drove two hours and spent the weekend with my in-laws sans husband since he has been working 14 hour days lately. They are looking for a new house, so I was able to learn a thing or two regarding house hunting. It was a lot of fun!

--I have been wondering whether or not my friend Melissa is around town or visiting family. Sure, I should pick up the telephone, but I'm lazy. This week I will.

--I want to go dancing. This hit me on Friday night on my way home from work and I almost called Robin to see what she was up to. But, I'm lazy. I think I see a night out on my horizon soon.

--I just caught up on everyone's blogs...I think. Nope, didn't comment anywhere, but I read them. And, I just have to state how thrilled I am for my friend in the Monkey House regarding her loss. She looks terrific!

--I still have holes in my mouth. I have been paranoid about how I eat, sucking on anything (if you went there, get your darn mind out of the gutter), and making sure I rinse my mouth often. My mother-in-law gave me the all clear and say they just need to fully close and I am past the point of worry about dry socket. I am going to choose to believe her.

--I just found out that I still own someone money that I borrowed in 1998. I have no record of it, although I kind of remember doing it. This is the first reminder that I have had, ever, and it was through a third party. Funny! (Really, it made me laugh.) But, it is Grandma that I owe, so no biggie, I trust her, and the check will be in the mail today.

--I am sick of hearing about Anna Nicole Smith. Get DNA tests done, give the baby to the father and stop speculating on it. She was a drug addicted party girl who really didn't contribute anything to the society that she lived in. Move on.

--I can't help but go hear since I hear about it every morning on the radio. Britney Spears, I feel sorry for her. And, I never though I would say this, but Kevin Federline is the man for doing what seems to be in the best interest of those children. She needs to stay in rehab and get the help that she so obviously needs. But, again the overwhelming coverage on the situation, not necessary.

--I have been looking at furniture for the master bedroom, but can not decide if I want to spend the money or not. What I have liked thus far is rather pricey. Solid wood, but expensive, which brings me to my next random thought...

--I have been frugal franny lately. Not quite down to eating beans and mush, but I just don't want to spend any money. I am on a mission to save enough to pay cash for a car as well as have a nice down payment for a house in the next year and a half. The only splurges I am willing to make right now are on a few long weekend trips and maybe a "real" vacation if I can talk Husband into it.

Like I said to begin with, not a whole lot of excitement happening in NC. But, things are sure to pick up in the next couple of months. Mom & Dad are coming to visit. Sister-In-Law's birthday is on a Saturday this year, so a big Irish night out is on tap. And, work, well there is so much happening through June that I am not going to have to wonder what I am going to do with my time. Plus the big October will keep me on my feet and I can't wait!


Blogger Robin said...

Woman! You should have called me! The hubby was gone and I was all alone with the kids. We definitely need to have a girls night sometime in the not-too-distant future.

7:24 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you! I am in town and have thought about you lately as well. I think you, Robin and I need to get together for a girls night REALLY soon!!!! Give me 24 hr notice to find a babysitter and we'll be off!

12:19 PM EST  

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