Help Needed for White
All is well in Ohio. The first week has been pretty fun. Sister's graduation party went well, but now I feel like I need another vacation. It's amazing how much energy it takes to throw a soiree. We had only one mishap, that I am now looking for some advice on fixing. Here is the situation...There was spaghetti sauce splattered on white pants and it doesn't want to come out. They have been soaked and washed, I tried oxy clean laundry, and spray-n-wash, but nothing seems to work. Does anyone out there have a magic formula for getting stains out of white cotton?I know, a very minute dilema, but I love the pants. Any suggestions are welcome.
Leaving, Packing, and Cleaning
I wish I could be on a beach sipping cocktails with my friends right now. I think that I would feel better. I have been in a funk for the past few days. I like to term it departure despondency. Husband had to leave for a couple of weeks and no matter how short a trip it is, the leaving part is always horrible for me. The vacancy in our bed is probably the source of the problem. The lack of breathing beside me makes it hard to fall asleep at night, which in turn throws off the entire next day. It's an evil cycle that takes a while to break. And, I am still adjusting.
But, all else is well. I am preparing for a two-week trip to Ohio. I was very excited when I conducted a run-through and everything (toiletries excluded) fit into one suitcase with a bit of room to spare. You see, I am the consummate master of over-packing, so it's a huge accomplishment. In addition, this is the first time I have had to worry about how I am getting to the airport, holding mail, holding newspapers, and leaving the cats alone for an extended period of time. So, maybe it’s not simply lack of Husband that is keeping me awake at night.
Call me crazy, but another quark of mine is that I must have the house clean before I leave. Dishes need to be done, laundry caught-up, floors vacuumed and bed made. I hate coming home to a mess. I can’t tell you how many little tiffs Husband and I have had because of my compulsion to play pick-up before weekend adventures. I could have worse habits though! So, until I leave it will be clean-clean-clean and pack-pack-pack Plus I have lots of movies to catch-up on. You know, all of those titles that the man doesn’t want to see. But, more about those later.