Monday, October 13, 2008

Welcome to the World Baby

Welcome to the world Baby Girl!
(I will be sending an email out with her name to those whose addresses I have.)
Born October 10, 2008 at 11:32 pm
8 lbs 2 oz
21 1/2 inches

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

More House Pics

Here are some more photos of the house-in-progress. First is the wall color (Sherwin-Williams 6334 Flower Pot) in the dining room and kitchen. These photos make it look much more orangey than I have seen it. We also put up a new chandelier over the dining room table.

Next is the master wall color (Sherwin-Williams 6178 Clary Sage). This was one of the earlier projects, but I never posted pics. There are two photos because there is such a color difference depending on the light in the room.

And, finally, the baby/guest room, which I am still working on. We have shelves and prints to hang, hopefully, this weekend. I am perplexed as to where to hang things, because we will be moving furniture around a bit when company comes. (example: The crib will move into our room for a while.)