Better Safe
Life has been very busy the past couple of months and that is why I have not posted in so long. No, some things never really change. I will be driving to or from work and something will pop into my mind that elicits the response, "Man, that would be great to post about," then I get home and have either forgotten what it was or I am simply too lazy to log onto the computer. Usually the later.
As far as excitement in the household goes, we really haven't had any. I am looking forward to a get-away to Ohio next week. My very low key 15 year class reunion is coming up, so I figured it would be a fun time to hang out with old friends with a side trip (maybe) to Cedar Point or Put-In-Bay.
Husband and I have spent the past several weekends with the in-laws helping them dig through the mess after their house burned to the ground. (Yes, quite literally.) It has taught me a very valuable lesson in keeping records for insurance purposes, having a fire-proof safe, taking lots of photos and video and putting them into that safe, etc. It has also made me a bit of a worry-wart regarding anything electrical in the house.
Husband backed up the computer onto an external hard drive and I plan to buy that fire proof safe this coming weekend, if not sooner. I am then looking ahead to the daunting task of recording everything that we own. Sound like fun? No, not so much, but I now fully understand that it is a necessary evil. Just a little jab in the side to those of you who know little about the insurance process or think, "it will never happen to me," please take some precautionary measures because like my mama always says, "It's better to be safe than sorry."