I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
It is supposed to get up to about 75 degrees over the weekend or early next week. The high numbers put a bit of a crimp in my Christmas joy. It is very difficult for me to get in the spirit of the season with the temperature so high. A white Christmas is in my dreams, so bring on the snow in Ohio...next Saturday that is, after we have arrived. A giant snow storm on the 23rd would be stupendous!
I have made adjustments by choosing a very pristine and very white scene as my screensaver on my work PC. It makes me feel all chilly inside when I look at it. And I also can not help but picture the snow covered trees that lined our driveway in Germany. The decorations are also up around the abode, so if I just don't step foot outside all weekend, maybe I can pretend that it is all snowy and blustery outside. I would even start a fire if only we had ever gotten a gas tank so that the fireplace would actually work.
I just wonder how many other friends are out there feeling the heat of the season. I know many who left the very beautiful German countryside to live in places like Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, & California. Quite a change! I really hate to shovel snow and I abhor the mucky slush that is left at the side of the road yet I still can't help but dream of a white Christmas!