Monday, April 03, 2006

Babies & Children & Motherhood, Oh My!

As I explore the world of my friends in the blog world, I now understand what others have written about people they know being pregnant and having babies. Holly cow! I am finding out about ladies I know having babies who I never even knew were pregnant. And, I must say "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" to all of them.

When it comes to babies, I still don't feel as if I am old enough to be a mother. And, I honestly don't know that I ever will. Obviously, as the number of years that I have been alive will show, I have reached an age where some sort of decision needs to be made. I simply don't have that overwhelming urge to have the responsibility of a child, and my husband weighs much heavier on the side of not having children. But, if we ultimately decide not to have children, I can't help but wonder if we, or more specifically I, will regret it.

Right now, I believe that I would be content to be a wonderful aunt. My Aunt L, who had no children of her own, used to take my cousins and I on fun outings each summer. We would spend a few days with her and go to the wave pool and the lake, take a ferry trip to an island where we would ride bikes and eat pizza, and go to the mall shopping for stickers. Oh, and I can't forget the hot fudge cake at the local Big Boy restaurant. They are great memories. Now, I could do that! See, I love kids. . .when they are not crying, whining, or behaving badly. So, I would love to do fun stuff with them and then give them back.

I just don't know about having one that I am responsible for 24 hours a day. I was a nanny for a summer and loved the girls, but also loved my time away from them each evening. I also see all of the sacrifices that mothers have to make unless they are very wealthy. That said, I am not sure that I am unselfish enough to be a mother. I like the "me time" that I have too much.

I thank God every day for friends who help me see both sides of the coin. I have a couple great friends who have made the decision not to have children and reassure me that if we choose such a course that it is okay. I also have a few friends who try to talk me into wanting children. For now, I will be content to watch others' children if they want a night out or a weekend away. And, I also have the hope that one of the other two ladies in our family will have babies someday and I can be the wonderful Aunt that takes their children on outings and trips.

I still have a few years before it is officially too late, so parents and parents-in-law there is still a faint glimmer of hope for you. Nothing has been carved in stone. But, please understand that there is a possibility that your "grandchildren" from our family may always be the four legged furry type.


Blogger nicole said...

Yes, it is funny how my physical age keeps eluding me. I could swear that I am still my mind, in my mind. I've struggled with the same issue but I'm pretty convinced that I do want to be a mother someday...nailing down a year is another thing. :(

10:43 PM EDT  
Blogger Angie said...

Christy, I took one of those online mom tests and here's one of the comments from the test...

"About 11 percent of babies born in the U.S. each year have moms over the age of 35. The best time to have a baby? When you're ready."

I thought you'd find that interesting.

11:41 AM EDT  

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