Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Shower a Day

Have you ever had one of those days when you just couldn't wait to take a shower. I think that everybody has. Today was one of those days for me.

First, the weather is miserable. It has been cloudy with a steady rain since I got out of bed this morning. Good for the grass, bad for me. It's pretty chilly too, the thermometer is reading 56 F (It's been in the 80s & 90s the past several weeks). I went to the 0930 spinning class where I sweated like a man and my 'wicking' tank top didn't do such a good job at eliminating the perspiration. As I walked out of the gym I was damp and beginning to cool down, so it didn't take long for me to become uncomfortable.

Then, because I am lazy and know I won’t want to leave the house once I get home, I decided that it would be a good idea to stop at the grocery store. We were almost out of milk and all the way out of fruit, plus all of the fresh berries were buy one get one free…how in the world could I pass up a deal like that? As I pulled into the parking space, I swear it began to rain harder. I was bounding toward the entrance when I happened to splash through a huge puddle that soaked both my shoes and socks. So, I got to squish miserably through my ten minute jaunt through the store all the while becoming colder and colder.

I found the same puddle on my way back to the Jeep, but by that time, I could care less. I simply wanted to turn on the heater and warm up. Even with the heat, the damp cold feeling persisted. This is when I became cognizant of the happiness a nice warm shower would bring me. I could not wait to get home.

Now, I am all warm and cozy again. I smell better too. It’s still raining, but that’s okay, it makes my flowers happy and it keeps me on task. I have a big project due on Tuesday that I have done a stellar job at procrastinating on. Some days showering is a chore, especially the hair drying that comes after, but today wasn’t one of them. Today, my shower was a little slice of heaven.


Blogger Muriel said...

The rain wakes up the procrastinator in me also. That's when I reach for more coffee!!!

3:54 PM EDT  
Blogger Nicole said...

The shower and I have become life has now become a mission to beat the heat and humidity (or at least keep up with it)...extra strong deoderant, anti-frizz shampoo&conditioner, etc etc...:)

5:27 PM EDT  

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